My Adventures In MySpace…Chapter 8…It’s The Psychographics, Not Reach!

(Photo Credit: Mayo Clinic

You thought the "My Adventures in MySpace" series was over? Not yet. Here’s some rare, intelligent commentary about the true value of MySpace as a business asset — coming directly from a Fox/MySpace exec.Read the rest

Marketers Must Not Enable Spyware Agents

Will Waugh at the Association of National Advertisers warns about advertisers’ “unknowing participation, through brokers, in spyware dissemination.”

This is a serious problem. Putting the scumbag spyware people aside, marketers – willingly or unknowingly – are the enablers.… Read the rest

Marketing Is Being & Nothingness

I spent yesterday at the Corante/Columbia Business School Innovation Marketing Summit, specifically the CMO day. It was a great series of discussions about innovation, management and marketing – and what the heck is going on today.

A few debates properly summed up the day: What is marketing anyway?… Read the rest

iDon’t Hits Me Convincingly


I recently posted about my initial love affair and growing disenchantment with iPod, and in that post I also mentioned SanDisk and its anti-iPod iDon’t campaign. Interestingly, Banner, a WPP agency in London and SanDisk’s ad agency for the EMEA region, contacted me to acknowledge my honest feedback and promised to award me an “iDon’t” T-shirt (which I could use at the gym where there’s an epidemic of white ear buds).… Read the rest

It’s Here: Skypecast On Marketing & CGM

The MP3 recording of the recent Skypecast I did with Chris Tolles of and my colleague Pete Blackshaw is now available here. This was a tease to the Innovative Marketing Conference that Prof. Bernd Schmitt of Columbia University is producing with Francois Gossieaux of Corante June 8-9.… Read the rest