Risk Aversion is Risky Business for Marketers and Agencies

Rance Crain of AdAge has a pretty good piece today reflecting on a supposedly growing problem of risk-averse marketers, he concludes:

What worries me most here is that the play-it-safe attitude of the ad industry is indicative of bigger problems. U.S.

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Conservatism Greater Threat To Brands Than Being Dynamic

Grant McCracken, reflecting on the recent C3 (Convergence Culture Consortium) retreat at MIT, offers great perspective about marketers, consumers and co-creation of brands. His post ties together very well some of my own thoughts about engagement (here and here) as well as consumer-generated media.Read the rest

My Adventures In MySpace…Chapter 6…Am I In Danger?

(An advertisement on MySpace)

Maybe I’m sleeping under a rock, or maybe I’m just crazy. At my recent workshop at the Conference Board communications confab I shared my point of view about how important it is for marketing communications people to not only pay attention and listen to consumer-generated media, but to participate.Read the rest

The Great Thing About Consumer-Generated Media: The Conversation Doesn’t Have To Die

Regular readers of AttentionMax know there’s been an open debate which began last Friday between research guru Nigel Hollis of Millward Brown, and me. Nigel sparked it with his post, Great Idea, Wrong Brand. He argued, in context of the Chevy Tahoe (consumers-create-your-own tv-ad) campaign, that the problem with consumer-generated media is just that: the consumer generates it.Read the rest

PR Pros Beware: Don’t Disregard Consumer-Generated Media

I spoke at a Conference Board corporate-communications confab today with Vickee Adams, media guru from Hill & Knowlton. We did an old-school-meets-new-school workshop, with Vickee the established media relations and PR counselor and me the enthusiastic new-media guy, underscoring the power of consumer-generated media and the dichotomy with search engines, brand reputation and stakeholder relations.Read the rest