In A Digital Democracy, How Long Can So Few Search Giants Dominate?

I recently posted about Google’s major competition being the unknown, especially as it was blatantly documented in its latest annual eport. I expanded on that theme in my latest MediaPost SearchInsider column here. Here’s a flavor:

The golden age of mass media was perhaps best characterized by the peak in audience of the three big broadcast television networks.

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I Told You So! Magazine Abandons Print

Without naming names, I was out for drinks last week with one of the editors of Elle Girl magazine, as well as my wife, an editor at Self magazine. I insisted that they need to view their careers not as paper magazine editors, or even “magazine” people, but producers of content and stewards of affinity communities.Read the rest

The Final Word On “Snakes On A Plane”

As the pre-Internet buzz around the unreleasedSnakes On A Plane” movie eases, it’s impossible to ignore the many marketing, media and entertainment pundits – AND FANS – who’ve been captivated by the fact that the film’s producers listened to the people and are incorporating their ideas (or, are planning to in some fashion).Read the rest