Mutating Dead-Tree Media Talk About Dead-Tree Media’s Evolution

Since my recent post on the demise of dead-tree media (print) as we know it today, I stumbled across three highly relevant stories during my Sunday/Monday media-business reading and listening. In fairness to the NYTimes and AdAge, who I cite below, these news organizations have made serious progress to grow way beyond their legacy of dead-tree media.Read the rest

50 Reasons Why Your Product And Marketing Sucks

Scott Heifferman lists 50 reasons why more people aren’t using your Web site. It’s a great checklist for interactive marketers and publishers. But a majority of these points are highly relevant to all marketers and advertisers – and particularly mass hawkers of crappy commodity products clamoring for our attention and engagement.… Read the rest

An Unlikely Suspect Rejuvenates A Dead-Tree Magazine

The irony: The magazine industry – especially the dead-tree side of it – is a big industry that is not going away any time soon. But it is seriously challenged by emerging new media, media fragmentation, changing media consumption patterns, and advertisers’ redirecting of ad dollars to places other than magazines.Read the rest