Are You Positioned For Permanent Advertising Contraction?

Everyone’s talking about the looming recession, especially in the advertising business. I think there’s solid thinking about what the next year holds, but I took a stab at what the next five years may look like. My post below is also this week’s MediaPost column.… Read the rest

Why Is The U.S. Behind In Online Advertising Spend? Is That Even The Right Question?

Reflecting on ZenithOptimedia’s latest ad-spend forecast, Jeff Jarvis asks why the U.S. is behind in its share of online ad spending versus major European countries:

Is it that the national media markets in those countries are more competitive and thus, perhaps, innovative?

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US Cinema Ad Spending Up 15%

MediaPost points to the Cinema Advertising Council’s (yup, there’s really a group by that name) news that its members cinema advertising revenues grew 15% to $455.7 million in 2006, from $394.8 million in 2005. CAC members account for more than 81% of US movie screens, according to the organization.… Read the rest

Connect With Those You Hate

Hot on the heels of my Socialnetworkitis manifesto comes Hatebook, a Facebook parody site. According to the site’s homepage, “Hatebook is an anti-social utility that connects you with the people YOU HATE.” I’m suffering from Socialnetworkits and therefore will not sign up for the service.… Read the rest

When Will They Ever Learn?

Matt Creamer points to this NYTimes story about a start-up called Ad-Air, which claims to have created the “first global aerial advertising network — giant, billboardlike ads that will be visible from the air as planes approach runways.” Please note: I work in the marketing industry and I support advertising.… Read the rest