New York Boat Show Sans Sail

On Saturday the family, including my dad, went to the New York Boat Show at the Javits Center in New York. I enjoyed this Show from my toddler to teenage years, so was eager to return with my own two kids. (It’s hard to believe it’s been nearly 20 years since my last visit.) … Read the rest

Teaching Your Kids About Government Incompetence

New York suffers from an incompetent and corrupt state government, along with dysfunctional agencies. That’s a problem to begin with, and exacerbated by our weak economy. While the problems trickle down, everywhere, I’ve been intrigued by high-profile, ongoing threats to eliminate public-transportation subsidies for New York City students.… Read the rest

Top Gadgets For Guys

There’s one thing which cannot be easily contradicted: guys love gadgets. So amidst the finale of CES, the world’s largest consumer electronic show, held in Las Vegas, January 7 through 10, the Cast of Dads dedicated podcast episode 5 to their favorite gadgets.… Read the rest

Keeping Warm On Bitter Cold Nights


(Photo: Our Home’s Broken Boiler On Sunday Night)

People tend to take modern conveniences for granted — until they lose them. That was the case with the heat in our home last Saturday night through Monday, amidst one of the coldest cold-spells to hit the Northeast.… Read the rest