Get Your Dirty Hands Out Of My Kitchen Sink

One cardinal sin in a professional kitchen is to wash your hands in the same sink where you wash dishes or prepare food. Why? It’s unsanitary. Hands carry lots of germs. That’s why professional kitchens have separate sinks dedicated to hand-washing.… Read the rest

Miracle Of Life: A New Kalehoff Enters The World! Welcome Celeste Bea!

It's a girl!  Celeste Bea Kalehoff. 7lbs 15oz.Celeste Bea Kalehoff was born today, July 23, 2008, at 10:39am, at 7lbs and 15 oz. The date is surreal because it also is the birthday of my wife Laura and me. That means 3/4 of this Kalehoff clan have July 23 as their birthday! What are the odds? I’m on a high right now.… Read the rest

I Need Some Serious Advice On Our Wills

Laura and I are working with our lawyer on our wills. This is especially serious because we have one toddler and another baby due in July. I need to fill in the following blanks should our kids lose both of us.

  1. Guardian For Kids: primary_______ and backup_______
  2. Executor Of Will: primary_______ and backup_______
  3. Trustee Of Assets Until Transferred To Kids: primary_______ and backup_______

These are tough decisions.… Read the rest