Hey, Web 2.0 Fans: Social Networks Weren’t Born Yesterday!

Here’s my latest MediaPost column, examining a social-media and networking technology platform over 100 years old: the ham radio. Check out the MediaPost comment section here.

Hey, Web 2.0 Fans: Social Networks Weren’t Born Yesterday!Read the rest

Dad’s Word Of Mouth Is Most Influential

My wife was concerned when I let her know that our expectant (Dec. 13) newborn will be more likely to acquire my vocabulary versus hers, according to the New Scientist:

Children whose father’s vocabulary was more varied when they were 2 years old had more advanced language skills at age 3.

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The “Plogue à Champlain” Is Great In Montreal!

Following up on my vacation post on poutine – the Montreal specialty of French fries with gravy, cheese and other greasy stuff piled high – I’m happy to report we’ve found a new specialty to clog our arteries: “Plogue à Champlain” at restaurant Au Pied De Cochon.… Read the rest