Update From Our Beach Vacation In Sea Isle City, New Jersey

Max, Julian and Laura at the beach…



 Julian’s first dip in the ocean…


Julian happy with Daddy…


Julian passed out on the beach…



Julian (aka “Billy Idol”) and I learned that A&D ointment and salty air is good for spiking hair…
IMGA0523Read the rest

‘Friend’ is Passé… ‘Officer’ Is The New Friend

Friending” in social networks is passé. My esteemed colleague Pete Blackshaw wrote recently in ClickZ:

Lately I’ve been getting so many darn friend and connection invites that my head is spinning. From LinkedIn to Facebook to the all-too-common (and bogus) MySpace invite from the girl “who just broke up with [her] boyfriend and is just looking for fun,” it’s all getting a bit crazy.

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The “User” Is Dead, But What About The Consumer?

Below is my MediaPost column this week, on death of the word “user.” Jim Johnson asks in the comments on the MediaPost blog: “Heck, in 10 years will the term ‘friend’ jump the shark??” My guess is that the term friend already has jumped the shark.… Read the rest