Absurdity: Reporters Should Be Disqualified Because They Care

Leslie Stahl on Lou Dobbs during the latest episode of CBS 60 Minutes:

Dobbs scoffs at suggestions that his advocacy tarnishes his credentials as a journalist.

Dobbs’ pre-recorded statement that prompted Stall’s declaration:

The idea that a reporter should be disqualified because he or she actually cares, actually isn’t neutral about the wellbeing of a country and its people…that’s absurd.

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Mining Unexpected Breadcrumbs For Subtle Cues of Epidemic Proportions

Quote of the day: “You’re one interesting cat.” That was what Janet Ginsberg of germtales said to me in an email exchange we had on social networks, disaster recovery and infectious outbreaks. I liked the description of me, and Janet agreed to let me share it here.… Read the rest

My Trip To Google Chicago

I just got back from keynoting Google’s Moms Know Tech, a conference held for their CPG clients in Chicago. It was a half-day event with about a hundred marketers and advertising agency folks. I talked about the motivations and behaviors of mommies across social media platforms, highlighting emerging forms of digital expression, most-discussed categories in mom communities, and a drilldown into nutrition issues (one of the most passionate mommy topics).… Read the rest