2000 Bloggers: The Biggest Viral Blog Meme Since ‘Five Things You Didn’t Know About Me’

Tino Buntic’s neat 2000 Bloggers project has enticed a ton of bloggers – spanning A-list, B-list, C-list and whatever you call me – to leave a comment and become among the first two-thousand bloggers to comprise a big headshot-link mosaic.… Read the rest

Who Will Win High-Def DVD Format War? Ask The XXX Industry

My family moved into our new home over the weekend, so we’re in the home stretch toward getting some routine back in our lives. Living at Dad’s house in the guest (attic) bedroom over the past seven weeks has been great because our family is close, and there’s been lots of help with our son Julian (who’s now nearly ten weeks old).… Read the rest

A Super-Slippery Material To…Slip People Up

The New Scientist offers its patent sleuth’s most interesting, surprising and sometimes alarming, discoveries of 2006. My favorite is:

An even less lethal alternative might be to coat an adversary with slippery slime. US researchers developed a super-slippery material that could be sprayed from the back of a truck or tank.

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A Most Excellent List of 2006 Tops

My colleageue Sue MacDonald, author of BlogPulse newswire, sent me PRWeek’s massive list of lists for 2006 in the marketing communications industry, including blunders, jobs, hires, brands, launches, terms, etc. Here are the top-five terms you’d never want to hear again:

  1. Crackberry – We get it – it’s rude to e-mail at the dinner table.
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