Word Of Mouth Among Horses

Seriously. One of my favorite blogs, Petistic, tips us off to scientific research around horse speak:

A new database of horse talk and behaviour could help take the mystery out of a horse whisperer’s job, US researchers hope.

Researchers at the University of Rhode Island, and the University of Connecticut are compiling the database in an attempt to correlate nuances in horse whinnies with their differences stress levels.

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Summer Has Arrived

I usually keep AttentionMax focused on marketing, media and those subject’s impact on life. But summer has arrived and it just feels good — good to get outside and away from this life-sucking computer. So far this Memorial Day Weekend, I planted my window boxes (here), enjoyed a BBQ with a long-time friend (here), took a quick stroll around Coney Island (here) and walk around Prospect Park (here).… Read the rest