Our Inability To Think Rationally

A recent episode of NPR’s On the Media posited a dour explanation of how people process messages, rooted in truth, myth or lies. In an interview with Bob Garfield, Shankar Vedantam, columnist at the Washington Post, explained:

The mind relies on a number of rules of thumb, and one of the rules of thumb that it uses is that things that are more easily recalled are true even if the context in which they originally heard the statement was that the statement is false.

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My New Mission Statement

Check out the awesome Corporate Mission Statement Generator:


And here’s my new mission statement:


“We are committed to focusing mediocre personal gain from education in personal goals overcoming all obstalces.” Brilliant. The sad fact is that the mission statements that churn out of this little gizmo are indistinguishable from so many real-life ones.… Read the rest

Please, No More Online-Dating Ads In Social Networks!

Remember those explicit ads for the True online dating service? As a self-identified male in my young thirties, they used to follow me around constantly inside of MySpace. Below is one such example.

(an advertisement served to me in MySpace in 2006)

I’m not sure what’s happened to True, but now its category sibling Singlesnet.comRead the rest