Product Focus Matters More Than Customer Focus

I can’t stand the words “customer-centricity” or “product-centricity.” They’re ugly and counter to their intention. I would prefer to say customer focus or product focus. That said, Gord Hotchkiss is correct in his presumption that product-focused leadership matters far more than customer-focused leadership:

Here’s a shocker, coming from me.

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SEMPO NY Local Working Group: State Of Search Industry

We’ll holding our second SEMPO (Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization) New York Local Working Group Meetup on Wednesday night at the Yahoo! offices. I just checked and we have 123 confirmations, which means we have seven spots left for this packed event.… Read the rest

Giving Away Attention And SEO To News-Release Companies

A PR-agency rep for one of the major three news-release distribution services pitched me today on the success of his client’s ability to frequently make the homepage of TechMeme, the tech news aggregator. If you work in the tech and Internet industry, TechMeme is a big deal because of it’s influence in shaping and promoting the flow of tech news and information.… Read the rest