Social Media Is The New Core Competency of Search Marketing Underworld

I’ve bookmarked Sphinn as my homepage for the past couple months. Sphinn is Danny Sullivan (of Search Engine Land)’s Digg-like news-voting site for Web and search marketing, and is geared to the advanced crowd. Sphinn certainly exposes some valuable articles, but I find it interesting the high frequency of top-voted articles around social media and its application for search-engine optimization (SEO).… Read the rest

Sophistication Will Be Search Industry’s New Master

Following is also my latest MediaPost Spin column… 

Sophistication Will Be Search Industry’s New Master
February 8th, 2008 by Max Kalehoff

A colleague of mine who helped build one of the earliest proprietary online services wisely noted that one of the most significant and inevitable forces shaping the Web is sophistication.… Read the rest

Please Support My Run For SEMPO Board

I’ve been nominated for a board seat at the Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO). If you’re a SEMPO member, please vote for me in the upcoming election, February 6-15, 2008. SEMPO’s mission…

a global non-profit organization serving the search engine marketing industry and marketing professionals engaged in it.

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I Joined A Startup To Help Bring Some Simplicity To Our Complex World

I’ve been a little quiet lately, so I’m happy and relieved to finally share some exciting news. I recently left Nielsen BuzzMetrics (now known as Nielsen Online) – a company I remain passionate about and loyal to – to join an exciting startup in the search advertising space.… Read the rest