Email Blows Away All Other Social Networks

The following is also my latest MediaPost Spin column.

Email Blows Away All Other Social Networks

January 4th, 2008 by Max Kalehoff
With the explosive excitement and high valuations of Facebook and the like, it’s time to take a step back and acknowledge the mother of all social networks: email.… Read the rest

Social Media Is Lexical Deviation

In my last MediaPost Column on “social-media best practices,” Dave Evans challenged me on my growing rejection of the term social media. He then unpacked his argument into a ClickZ column. He said:

At its core, social media both encompasses and provides a set of tools that enable members to share and share in the information around them.

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Top Risks To Watch Out For In Your Social Media Strategy

I’m beginning to hate the term “social media” more everyday. As David Pogue, tech columnist at the NYTimes once said, “What is social media? A bunch of televisions talking to one another at a cocktail party?”

Regardless, self-expression and peer-to-peer communications are changing the game in how businesses and customers interact.… Read the rest

A Moment Of Silence, Please…

My good friend and colleague Pete Blackshaw‘s father passed away yesterday after a tough battle with cancer. Pete created a memorial blog in remembrance of William Blackshaw, and I just left the following comment:

I never met your dad in person, but I’ve met him through the great qualities he’s passed along to you.

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