A Compelling Pitch For My Attention

I work in marketing for an online research and information company, and I don’t consider myself a news gatekeeper. But between AttentionMax and my weekly MediaPost op-ed column, I’ve started to receive a steady flow of pitches from PR people, particularly for products and services related to Web 2.0 and online media and advertising.… Read the rest

Connect With Those You Hate

Hot on the heels of my Socialnetworkitis manifesto comes Hatebook, a Facebook parody site. According to the site’s homepage, “Hatebook is an anti-social utility that connects you with the people YOU HATE.” I’m suffering from Socialnetworkits and therefore will not sign up for the service.… Read the rest

I Had It “Just Right”

Marketing agency DiMassimoGoldstein issued a press release on its hire of veteran marketer, Stephanie Fierman, “to consult for the agency and its clients on the subject of digital brand self-defense.” My favorite line comes in the quote, in the second paragraph:

According to Fierman, “Max Kalehoff of Nielsen BuzzMetrics had it just right when he said that this is the age of ‘defensive branding.’

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