Facebook’s Killer App: Birthday Reminders

Today is my birthday, and more people are remembering the occasion this year than ever before in my adult life. Why? Facebook is notifying everyone in my network. It’s interesting that some people are congratulating me via the Facebook network (i.e.,… Read the rest

Traditional Media Strategies Are Not Dead In Favor Of Buzz

In this week’s MediaPost column, I summarized exciting work by my Nielsen Company colleagues at BuzzMetrics, BASES and AC Nielsen. (The full study is available here, and an archive of today’s Webcast will be posted by Monday.) Through a CPG brand and market-mix modeling study, they found that high blog interest, or buzz, around new product launches is tightly linked to paid media spending.… Read the rest

Meet Me At Attention Data Meetup San Francisco

I’m in San Francisco today and tomorrow for a few client meetings and public presentations — including Seth Goldstein‘s Attention Data Meetup.

Goal: Share and give feedback to Web services that use Attention (aka implicit, user-generated behavioral metadata…) in interesting ways.

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Bloggers Ponder Google and Feedburner’s RSS Syndication Stats

Last week Google’s recently acquired Feedburner, one of the leaders in RSS syndication and a darling of the blogosphere, quietly announced it would begin offering a number of premium services for free. Among them — the new “Reach” metric, which, according to Feedburner, is the total number of people who have actually taken action — viewed or clicked — on the content in a feed.… Read the rest

Top Marketer Blogs

Forester analyst Peter Kim has started a list of top blogs authored by client-side marketing people — versus bloggers from advisory firms trying to sell their blog advisory services. He says:

While many of us might have been there and done that in some fashion, these are marketers who are *doing it* right now.

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