What Will The Flood Of Everybody Do To The Core Users Of Facebook?

Now that Facebook is open to everyone — not just people with a .edu email address — what will happen to the core, once-exclusive network? In my latest MediaPost column, yet another blatant regurgitation of myself from a few days ago, Annie Heckenberger from GPTMC said in the comments:

I’ve noticed a surge…and consequently a mass exodus of their core users.

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Consumer To Advertiser: I Want A Divorce, Now!

This video from Microsoft Ad Solutions elegantly summarizes — in two minutes — how and why consumers are rejecting the one-way, unbalanced relationship for which mass marketers have built their foundations. In reference to the “Listenomics” book he’s writing, Bob Garfield says:

The video says it all.

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Deconstructing Facebook

Has anyone noticed a massive surge on Facebook lately? I have and bet that other social networks are now scrambling to respond, especially in light of Facebook’s opening of its API. That has released the floodgates of partner enhancements, add-ons, and functionality to integrate a myriad other data services deep within and beyond the Facebook platform.… Read the rest

The Bloggers Of CGM Measurement

Nathan Gilliat offers a roundup of bloggers who work in consumer-generated media measurement, and related consumer listening and analytics services — including moi. These are the most notable bloggers publicly connected to their respective companies and industries, but you can bet there are many more employees from these companies who are expressing themselves through unrelated personal blogs as well as other emerging social-media venues.… Read the rest

Customer Service Now Resides Openly In The Court Of Public Opinion…Are You Listening?

AdAge editor Matthew Creamer wrote in this week’s edition:

The back-and-forth between companies and consumers, once contained in frustrated phone calls and letter-writing, is now being played out in public. The growth of consumer-generated media — not just YouTube videos but the millions and millions of bits of product feedback floating in the web ether — means that the little-used suggestion box nailed to the boss’ door (long a symbol of corporate inertia) has been digitized and turned inside-out for the world to see.

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