Are Marketers Serious About Ceding Control To Consumers?


Are marketers serious about ceding control to consumers? "Letting go" was the key message from A.G. Lafley, P&G’s chief, at the recent ANA conference. I think the message is right, but the hard part comes in the execution and the details.… Read the rest

Product Placement — You Can’t Escape It!

Laura Petrecca at USA Today penned a nice story today on the ad-clutter wasteland and consumers fighting back. (OK, I contributed a few zingers for this one.) Here are some notable quotes and passages:

  • "I’ve never seen things changing as much as they are now," says Rance Crain, editor-in-chief of trade magazine Advertising Age and a 40-plus-year observer of marketing.

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Most Big Advertisers Haven’t Heard of Web 2.0

Cammie Dunaway, CMO of Yahoo, during her keynote at the ANA Masters of Marketing conference, asked the audience of about 1,000 marketers how many of them have heard of Web 2.0. I estimate that less than 50 hands went up. Wow! The biggest national advertisers are all in one room, and only five percent have heard of Web 2.0.… Read the rest

Survey Finds Consumers Trust Traditional Media More Than New Media

LexisNexis just issued a seemingly misguided analysis on its survey of consumer trust of media sources:

The findings show that when consumers are faced with major events that significantly affect their lives, such as a pandemic or an ominous hurricane, their trust mostly remains with traditional media, such as professional journalists at mainstream newspapers, magazines, television and radio, versus emerging media sources created by citizen journalists including Internet-only publications, blogs and podcasts.

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Real Human Emoticons

This is nifty: New Scientist reports on new emoticons based off of your actual face:

Software that contorts an image of a person’s face to express different emotions could enrich text-based internet chat.

The researchers behind the system say it can quickly transform a user’s face to convey any of six emotions, ranging from anger to happiness.

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