Mainstream Media Quoting Comments In The Blogosphere

Here’s a first for me: a mainstream news organization citing a comment I made in someone else’s blog. Mark Glaser, from PBS’ Mediashift, has a series on Citizen Journalism. He quotes me:

Max Kalehoff, an executive at Nielsen BuzzMetrics, wrote this comment on Jeff Jarvis’ BuzzMachine blog on a post about changing the term citizen journalism to networked journalism:

"Why not just call journalism “journalism” — a word the citizens, amateurs, networks, distributors and professionals can understand?

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Video: Stephen Starr of Revver, Fritz Grobe and Stephen Voltz of

Cross-post with Engagement By Engagement blog….

Today I moderated a standing-room-only panel at the OMMA conference on social video, and I was joined by a few pioneers from the space: First, I had Fritz Grobe and Stephen Voltz of, famous for the Diet Coke and Mentos experiment (seen over six million times as of today!).… Read the rest

Consumers’ Dilemma: Consequences Of Consumer Exposure


How do we promote and protect our personal identities in an age where our digital breadcrumbs have high potential to endure and be discovered for infinity? That’s the question I arrive at in my next MediaPost Spin column. Are you passionate about this issue?… Read the rest

Video Blogging Begins

The cross-posting with Engagement By Engagement is going to make me dizzy over the next few weeks. But I’d like to share the first installment in the Engagement Video Series, with Dr. Berkowitz:

I had the pleasure of meeting today with David Berkowitz, director of strategic planning at 360i, a search marketing firm.… Read the rest