Accenture: 54% Of Young People Want To Create Their Own Web Content

Jeff Jarvis pointed out a Guardian story (free reg required) summarizing a new Accenture multi-country survey on online video. Here are the two most important points from the Guardian’s write-up:

  1. Almost 40% of internet users download and watch videos on the web, according to a survey of 10,000 consumers.
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How Influential Is Wikipedia In Search Results?

Steve Rubel at Micropersuasion conducted a nice analysis on Wikipedia influence in search results:

Wikipedia articles on the top 100 advertisers in the U.S. are consistently among the most highly ranked pages in Google on direct searches. This is according to an exclusive Micro Persuasio study conducted over the past week.

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The Super Bowl of Marketer-Consumer Co-Creation


Please join the debate here on my latest MediaPost opinion column, where I dive into the upcoming Super Bowl, which will be defined by markter-consumer co-creation.

The Super Bowl of Marketer-Consumer Co-Creation

by Max Kalehoff, September 15, 2006

Super Bowl XLI will be a milestone.

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Forrester Validates CGM & Brand Monitoring

Nielsen BuzzMetrics, my employer, was just featured in The Forrester Wave™: Brand Monitoring study, led by Peter Kim, senior analyst (who’s personal blog is here). While I disagree with the report’s inclusion of mainstream media clippings – versus pure measurement of consumer-generated media as a powerful lens into consumer insight, engagement and brand health – I believe, overall, it’s a thoughtful and thorough analysis of the competitive space in CGM measurement.… Read the rest