Inextricable Economic Link: Customer Sat, Customer Service & Customer-Generated Media

My colleague Bill Stephensen, VP of Auto at Nielsen BuzzMetrics, clearly articulates the inextricable economic link between customer satisfaction, customer service and customer-generated media:

The American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) is one of my favorite research studies in the auto industry because it links customer satisfaction and profitability.

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Digg and Facebook Prove That Customer Is In Control

If the Facebook and Digg community backlashes prove anything, it’s that the customers are in control. But if customers increasingly expect such control, companies and services will need to be more flexible, accommodating and nurturing to their customers, one by one.Read the rest

Buzz Battle: Katie Couric Versus Crocodile Hunter

Katie Couric’s debut on the CBS Evening News drew high ratings and mixed reviews, according to the Washington Post. Indeed, her debut drew strong buzz and excitement in the blogosphere — enought to have surpassed last week’s debacle around CBS’s doctored images of Couric.Read the rest