My Adventures In MySpace…Chapter 9…Brands Assume MySpace Profiles

It’s been a while since my last entry in the MySpace Adventure series, but here’s installment number nine….

I recently wrote about how advertising media specialists must use caution when entering the world of consumer-generated media.… Read the rest

What Really Matters: Brand Experience & Customer Service

My mission with AttentionMax is to chronicle trends and disruption in media and marketing, as well as offer frequent anecdotes on how they impact everyday life…my life, in particular. It’s interesting to see which posts resonate with people and spawn public comment or private email, especially considering my uncontrollable tendency to cross between professional and personal life.… Read the rest

Pew Advertises Blog Survey On Technorati…A New Era In Market Research Sampling Techniques

Nationwide Random-Digit-Dial (RDD) telephone survey methodologies are great for producing for very general middle-America projections, and there’s a place for them. But they can be useless if you’re seeking to collect insights from smaller segments or niches, such as power bloggers.… Read the rest

Why YouTube? Why Not Revver?

I like YouTube, the social video hosting Web site. But why would anyone upload their video work to YouTube when there’s Revver? Revver shares advertising revenue with the owner of the work, and YouTube does not, as far as I know. The only reason I would justify uploading my personal work to YouTube is if I didn’t care about generating any revenues, only populariy.… Read the rest