Ad Media Specialists Must Embrace Consumer-Generated Media

Please join the discussion and comment here on my latest MediaPost OnlineSpin column, where I challenge advertising and media specialists for their naive entries into the world of consumer-generated media:

Ad Media Specialists Must Embrace Consumer-Generated Media

By Max Kalehoff, August 4, 2006

As advertising dollars continue to bum-rush the Internet, many media specialists contend that blogs, discussion groups and other forms of consumer-generated media represent easy, additional inventory to grow and satisfy demand.… Read the rest

Mel Gibson’s Anti-Jew Tirade Spawns Blog Outrage


Once a childhood "Lethal Weapon" aspiration, Mel Gibson let me down with his recent anti-Jewish tirade. How much outrage did he cause? Blog mentions of "Mel Gibson" skyrocketed in the past few days to massive levels, and easily pushed mentions of "jew", "jewish", "judaic" and "judaism" to a six-month high.… Read the rest

You, Too, Can Join Internet’s Ad World

I spoke with reporter Mary Schneidau of the Atlanta Journal Constitution for her story today on consumer-generated advertisements, particularly the video sort. She noted that: 

For companies and organizations, such ads have the dual benefit of being both relatively cheap and cutting-edge.

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