George Bush’s Gift To The New York Times

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If conversation is the media industry’s new currency and engagement indicator, then George Bush’s backlash over the New York Times’s recent coverage of the Department of Treasury’s anti-terrorism money-tracking program was nothing short of a huge, early, fat Christmas present.… Read the rest

Bob Garfield To Write Book With Help From Blogosphere

I’ve met Bob Garfield a few times, and I thoroughly enjoy his sarcasm and ability to see past the bullshit and articulate what’s really going on. He reminds me of myself in some ways. (If only the old stodgy NPR listeners who listen to his On The Media radio program could enjoy what he’s really like at a social gathering.)… Read the rest

Gotcha! Judge Uploads Sentencing Hearings To YouTube

Cleveland’s Plain Dealer reports that Common Pleas Judge James Kimbler has begun showing his weekly sentencing hearings on social video site I think this practice – immediate promotion and sharing of public proceedings – is great because it underscores the weight of the sentencing and removes more barriers to democracy and government transparency.… Read the rest