I’m a hardcore believer in the spirit of Web 2.0 – at least as I understand it. However, the name has been bothering me more and more lately. Even the folks who contributed to Wikipedia’s definition of Web 2.0 (as of June 23, 2006) note that: “Some members of the development community see Web 2.0 as an overly vague buzzword, incorporating whatever is newly popular on the Web (such as tags and podcasts), without having any fixed meaning.”… Read the rest
Tag Archives: Social Media
Supernova: Marketers™ Dilemma: Rise of Social Multimedia
My colleague Pete Blackshaw and I just moderated a slightly different workshop at Supernova. This Web 2.0 technology-media conference is largely focused on new technologies, social networks and media disruption, but we tried to mix it up by facilitating a conversation between the social multimedia enablers and the marketers:
… Read the restNow that user expression is dialing up to a more emotional and viral level through social multimedia platforms — including images, audio and video — how are marketers facing the challenging implications on traditional marketing practices and customer relationships?
Online Versus Offline Word of Mouth: A Pointless Debate
Near the end of day one of the Word of Mouth Marketing Association’s WOMBAT conference, there’s one misguided marketing framework unfortunately getting too much attention: that most word of mouth occur offline versus online.… Read the rest
Is There Really Something Wrong With CGM Research?
Following is my latest OnlineSpin column in MediaPost, which is a response to public comments made by Bill Neal, a highly respected market research expert, about consumer-generated media. For me, this piece was uncharacteristically defensive, but I feel it is important to clarify for the record what I believe are misguided comments about a subject I’m passionate about and am submersed in professionally.… Read the rest
Word Of Mouth Among Horses
Seriously. One of my favorite blogs, Petistic, tips us off to scientific research around horse speak:
… Read the restA new database of horse talk and behaviour could help take the mystery out of a horse whisperer’s job, US researchers hope.
Researchers at the University of Rhode Island, and the University of Connecticut are compiling the database in an attempt to correlate nuances in horse whinnies with their differences stress levels.