Social Media Firewalls Threat to Corporations

I’ve given three workshops on consumer-generated media (CGM) to CMOs and senior marketing execs of three Fortune 500 companies in the past week, and in each case I learned that the corporate IT department was prohibiting employees from accessing a range of social media, including video sharing sites and blogs.… Read the rest

My Adventures In MySpace…Chapter 8…It’s The Psychographics, Not Reach!

(Photo Credit: Mayo Clinic

You thought the "My Adventures in MySpace" series was over? Not yet. Here’s some rare, intelligent commentary about the true value of MySpace as a business asset — coming directly from a Fox/MySpace exec.Read the rest

Consumer-Generated Media Inextricably Linked To Broadband

Here’s my latest OnlineSpin Column in MediaPost:

THE PEW INTERNET & AMERICAN Life Project recently issued its Home Broadband Adoption 2006 report, which rightly devoted significant attention to consumer-generated media (CGM). Based on two U.S.Read the rest

Seth Godin Reaches Six-Month Blog Buzz High

Seth Godin’s controversial comment about his no-comment policy has caused blog discusion about him to reach a six-month high. (He is free to do whatever he wants, but his comment irritated many of his readers, including me.) Hmmm…so much for the naysayers who say disallowing comments prohibits discussion.… Read the rest

Skylook Understands Customer Listening

Jackie Huba writes that “when customers feel they are being listened to by companies, they spread positive (and unsolicited) word of mouth.” And Jackie then cites new research from Communispace, which supports that theory.

Now I’m going to move from theory and into practice: I recently tried and endorsed Skylook, a Skype-certified software plug-in for Microsoft Outlook.… Read the rest