What I Don’t Like About The Holiday Season

As we proceed into spring, I was just pondering how nice it is that the 2005 holiday season is past us, and the 2006 holiday season is still pretty far away. Why? Here are trends indicating the percent of total blog mentions with the keywords Divorce ("divorce"), Depression ("depression" or "depressed") and Gifts ("gifts" or "presents").… Read the rest

My Adventures In MySpace…Chapter 2…My Wife’s MySpace

(A MySpace Advertisement)

In continuation of my MySpace ethnographic adventures, this morning I logged in to my home PC — which I don’t do very often — and was shocked when the MySpace homepage fully loaded: my wife’s email address and password were auto-filling the respective forms.… Read the rest

I’ve Become A Citizen Journalist!

I recently posted about New Yorkers stampeding Trader Joe’s during the New York City opening weekend. I captured the action on my Treo 650 during a date with my wife to that fine store, which we couldn’t get into after all. Well, that picture of the stampede was discovered by the Gothamist, via Flickr.… Read the rest

My Adventures In Myspace…Chapter 1

(A MySpace Advertiser)

I’m perplexed at how many marketing executives are awed by MySpace but have not joined the community to experience what it’s all about. That’s like being awed by sex but never actually trying it — and concurrently believing obvservation is an equal substitute. Read the rest

Wall Street Journal’s Mossberg Falling Behind In The Conversation

Walt Mossberg, the WSJ’s esteemed personal technology columnist, is falling behind in the conversation – at least the one occurring in the blogosphere. Below are relative mentions of “Mossberg” versus “Engadget” versus “Gizmodo” over the past six months (via BlogPulse, run by my company, Nielsen BuzzMetrics).Read the rest