Word Of Mouth All The Buzz At Marketing Sciences Institute

Continuing on my post on the Marketing Science Institute’s Board of Trustees Meeting and Conference, the second and final day focused on new media and word of mouth. Here’s a three part summary:

A Construct For Word Of Mouth And Social Networks

The day began with a great presentation from Dina Mayzlin of Yale University, who presented “The Management of Social Interactions.”Read the rest

Social Media Help Guide Television Programming Strategy

My friend and colleague, Michael Kaplan, eloquently describes the connection between word-of-mouth research and television programming in Pamela Parker’s latest ClickZ column:

The beauty of monitoring word-of-mouth online is the unexpected results it can yield.

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The Final Word On “Snakes On A Plane”

As the pre-Internet buzz around the unreleasedSnakes On A Plane” movie eases, it’s impossible to ignore the many marketing, media and entertainment pundits – AND FANS – who’ve been captivated by the fact that the film’s producers listened to the people and are incorporating their ideas (or, are planning to in some fashion).Read the rest