Comment Of The Week: Kate Niederhoffer On The Effect Of Transparent Measurement In Social Media

…the other equally interesting phenomenon implicated here is the effect of transparent measurement. the authors showed, statistically, that people’s productivity is tied to their very blatant awareness of performance. there’s so much information conveyed in the counts we’re all becoming so attuned to… blog analytics, twitter followers, etc..

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Attention Is The Currency Of Crowdsourcing

We used to live in a world where few people produced content and most people consumed it. Thanks to the Web, nearly every digitally connected person creates some sort of content and nobody can consume it all. This has enabled a new phenomenon of content contribution that’s changing the world: crowdsourcing.… Read the rest

Most Agencies & Publishers Fail To Offer Marketers Real Ways To Embrace Social Media

If there was one trend that came on strong during this year’s Advertising Week festivities, it was advertising agencies and media companies jumping on the social media bandwagon.

On the agency side, you had an infinite line of digital, creative and planning agencies making social media the latest add-on to their legacy competencies and services menu.… Read the rest

Wine & Technology Event

After my Web 2.0 panel on Thursday, my crew is heading over to the Wine 2.0 party at Webster Hall for a fun evening of wine and technology networking. Wine 2.0 New York will…

feature over 1,000 friends from the wine, technology and venture capital community tasting over 100 wineries best wines.

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