100 Entries On AttentionMax: Take My Reader Survey

This is my 100th entry on AttentionMax! Any thoughts on the content, conversation or direction of my blog? Do you like it? Does it suck? Or is it awesome?

Please join the cool crowd and take my two-minute survey here, and don’t forget to enter this password: maxrocks

The deadline to take the survey is May 12, 2006 at 8PM EST.Read the rest

Mourning In The Age Of Social Media

Relationships – whether physical or virtual– are essential components of life, and one inevitable thing in life and relationships is death. So it is natural that the mourning process – not yet intuitively associated by most people with the Web – will increasingly expand online.Read the rest

My Adventures In MySpace…Chapter 6…Am I In Danger?

(An advertisement on MySpace)

Maybe I’m sleeping under a rock, or maybe I’m just crazy. At my recent workshop at the Conference Board communications confab I shared my point of view about how important it is for marketing communications people to not only pay attention and listen to consumer-generated media, but to participate.Read the rest

My Adventures In MySpace…Chapter 4…From Single To Swinger To Married

  (A MySpace Advertisement)

This morning I spent a little time expanding my profile on MySpace. I found out that my marital status was set to default: single. I also discovered that I had the option to select a sexual orientation, hmmmmmm…Bi, Gay, Straight, Not Sure, No Answer?Read the rest

My Adventures In MySpace…Chapter 3…The Epitome of Urban Culture

(A MySpace Advertisement)

Yesterday, I joined UniWorld Group to conduct an all-day urban culture workshop with about 100 marketing executives from a major Fortune 500 CPG company. What was I doing at an urban culture workshop? You noticed that I’m no urban expert, and I’m as white as they come?Read the rest