After arriving in San Francisco last night, I had a wonderful sushi dinner with my former comScore colleague, Graham Mudd, who’s now an MBA student working at Yahoo Social Search for the summer. The problem with sushi is that it alwasy leaves me with a heavy-duty ice-cream craving. Well, I fully satisfied my craving with a Klondike Choco Taco. Boy, those things are AWESOME! I hadn’t had one in years, and I’d forgotten how good they are. Does Taco Bell still carry these as standard fare? I’d go to Taco Hell just for the Choco Taco! You can take the Burrito Supreme and the chihuahua, and I’ll take my Choco Taco.
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I thought I was the only one who got an ice craving after sushi.
I thought I was the only one who got an ice craving after sushi.