Laurent Flores of CRMMetrix has a great post today on Research 2.0:
Listening is certainly the future, as researchers finally realize than their "raw materials" to produce data and insights: "Respondents" are getting more power, and as such the old traditional model of "forced questions" to get answers will soon die. It is clearly that the reseach indutsry starts realizing this as they will soon run a summit "on respondents’ collaboration". Still, although this is great, it is not enough to really embrace the web to re-invent research. I believe the answer lies with an intimate and true understanding of the Web 2.0… its implications, challenges and opportunities.
Laurent is dead on. His insights are similar to some of my recent observations about attention erosion and the significant impact that trend is having on marketer researchers (as well as the advertisers they work for).
I only disagree with his use of the word "2.0".