The Gripping Tale Of An Enslaved White Man On The Sahara Desert

Skeletons On The ZaharaI love maritime history.

I love how ships and the sea so heavily influenced — and continue to influence — the world around us.

Maritime non-fiction reading satisfies my craving for a time when men were really men — not softies like most men today, with their smart phones, tablet computers, paper cuts, cubicles, facial lotions and pedicures.… Read the rest

Texting and Walking

Texting Walking Grand Central

I commute to, and work in, New York City.

It’s not the densest city in the world, but more than eight million people sure make it feel like that way.

And when that many pedestrians navigate crowded streets, train stations, subways, sidewalks, retail stores, restaurants, elevators, parks and paths, it’s important that they pay attention.… Read the rest