Posting On The Go

I write, self-edit and publish most of my blog posts and short essays on my Mac laptop. I’ll find a one- or two-hour block of time and crank out a post, a few times a week.

However, I’m writing this post from my accountant’s office on my Blackberry, using my blog software’s new phone application.… Read the rest

Business Card Elegance & Etiquette

Many people say business cards are becoming obsolete in the age of Google, LinkedIn, Facebook V-Cards and smart phones, though I think the opposite is true. Business cards represent the identity of organizations and individuals, and they create many first physical impressions.… Read the rest

You Work Here, Therefore We Own You

“You work here, therefore we own you.”

That’s the modus operandi for many white-collar employee agreements, which often assert that full-time employees should not take on any freelance work. And companies that do permit full-time employees to freelance often require prior written consent.… Read the rest

How To Be Happy, According To Professor Srikumar Rao

Our culture and acquired mental models predispose many of us to unhappiness, but things don’t have to be that way. That’s according to Professor Srikumar Rao, the feature guest at the January 28, 2010 Interesting Café, Clickable‘s innovators and culture event series.… Read the rest

Getting Fit And Feeling Better

I used to keep in shape — until my son Julian was born three years ago. I quickly found it impossible to schedule serious exercise into my life while raising an infant, being a husband and working as a marketing executive at a tech start-up. For three years, I’ve averaged six hours of sleep per night (or less), the bare minimum, and a recipe for weight gain and heart problems.… Read the rest