Be On Purpose

Luke Skywalker
Ever heard of the importance of being on time? Well, it’s perhaps more important to be on purpose.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a one-on-one meeting, a presentation, a formal event, a passive observation or even a nap. Time and attention are scarce and their allocation can have compounding impact — positively or negatively.… Read the rest

Interview With Caterina Fake

Caterina Fake, co-founder of Flickr and Hunch, recently gave an inspiring talk at Clickable’s Interesting Cafe, our monthly culture night and community open house. Below is a four-minute video interview I did with her after the group discussion.… Read the rest

Inward Versus Outward

One of my strengths as a marketer is my outward focus. I love to evangelize and sell the dream. I love to get out in front of crowds and cultivate inbound advocacy and love. I love driving thought leadership and building a stellar external reputation that greases the skids for products and services to achieve utmost market traction.… Read the rest

Are Marketers More Important Than Developers?

In tech startups, marketers are more important than developers.

That’s what one aspiring entrepreneur and software developer told me today in a huddle at Charlie O’Donnell’s NextNY “NYC Media: Meet the Startups” event at Sun Microsystems’ New York City office.… Read the rest