What Caused The Economic Meltdown? The Problem Is Us

I overheard a woman on the subway today speaking with her companion about several friends who had recently been laid off from their jobs. Then she asked:

But damn! If we’re in a recession, how do people have money to keep buying all this shit? I was just in DSW, and it was packed!

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Optimize Your Personal Brand (If You Want To Exist)

In a discussion at my office last week, Steve Baker, author of “the Numerati,” described a day when there would be services widely available to help people optimize themselves in the new digital world. He underscored there have long been individual optimization services in the analog world.Read the rest

The Numerati: Interview With Stephen Baker (Video)

Stephen Baker, senior writer at BusinessWeek, was the featured guest last week at Interesting Café, one of our culture events at Clickable. Pulling themes from his new book, the Numerati, he shared how a powerful new endeavor — the mathematical modeling of humanity – is transforming every aspect of our lives.… Read the rest