Web Measurements: What’s Real?

Businessweek publishes an overly sensational, overplayed story about Web metrics. "Web metrics, like company valuations, will remain a crapshoot," is the conclusion. What is this, year 2000 all over again?

Magid Abraham of comScore (for whom I used to work) summed the issue up nicely in a recent comment to Mediaweek regarding Web panel measurements versus Web site log files:

One might liken this to using a single watch to measure time.

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Using Statistical Sampling To Estimate Life & Death In Iraq

The market research world will forever debate the validity of sampling based research methodologies, and this will only increase as discernable, valuable niches proliferate. But those projection techniques certainly are not limited to marketing.… Read the rest

Market Research Is Insufficient; Insights Are Mandatory


At a CMO panel at the ANA Masters of Marketing conference, the moderator, Randall Rothberg of Booz Allen Hamilton, asked, “What is the difference between research and insights? Rebeca M. Johnson, Brinker Corporation (restaurant chain) said:

Researcher is good at technical tools…quantitative and qualitative.

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Are Engagement Believers In Denial?


As I’ve mentioned perhaps too often, I was heavily involved at the ARF/AAAA Consumer Engagement conference last week. Well, after a week of pondering, here’s my conclusion, delivered via my MediaPost Spin column. The advertising Engagement initiative is making good progress — I’m a believer!… Read the rest