Mining Unexpected Breadcrumbs For Subtle Cues of Epidemic Proportions

Quote of the day: “You’re one interesting cat.” That was what Janet Ginsberg of germtales said to me in an email exchange we had on social networks, disaster recovery and infectious outbreaks. I liked the description of me, and Janet agreed to let me share it here.… Read the rest

My Trip To Google Chicago

I just got back from keynoting Google’s Moms Know Tech, a conference held for their CPG clients in Chicago. It was a half-day event with about a hundred marketers and advertising agency folks. I talked about the motivations and behaviors of mommies across social media platforms, highlighting emerging forms of digital expression, most-discussed categories in mom communities, and a drilldown into nutrition issues (one of the most passionate mommy topics).… Read the rest

comScore Behavioral Study Shows Cookies Overcount Web Visitors

When I worked at Media Metrix in the late nineties, and later comScore following its acquisition of Media Metrix, we executed numerous campaigns to educate clients and the broader Internet advertising industry on why panel-measurement and server-side data differed so much.… Read the rest

Go Sanjaya! (And Mapping Mental Associations In The Blogosphere)


Have you ever wondered what consumer sentiment and mental associations look like among members of a distributed community of stakeholders? That question is on the ephemeral side. However, it’s an important one marketers should be asking constantly, relative to their own brands, competitors and categories.… Read the rest

comScore Launches First Blog


Internet panel measurement firm comScore launched comScore Voices, its first official company blog. The two lead authors are Magid Abraham, CEO, and Gian Fulgoni, chairman. I learned a lot from working closely under Gian during my tenure at comScore; I was actually an early employee at Media Metrix and joined comScore through its acquisition us.… Read the rest