Erwin Ephron On Advertising Engagement

Following my recent and innocent pondering over the state of advertising engagement, advertising theorist and engagement critic Erwin Ephron chimed in today via his Mediaweek “Blunt Pencil” column:

It is our inability to define what we are talking about as more than a wild card that makes engagement dark and troubling.

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Television Voting Contains Valuable Lessons For Market Researchers

In my latest MediaPost column, I propose that television voting contains some key lessons for the market research industry, especially the practice of luring respondents. And what better example than American Idol? There is some passionate discussion at the MediaPost blog.… Read the rest

Cheap Online Survey Tools May Have “Ruined” the Survey Landscape, But They Also Present New Opportunities

Being that I work in the market and media research industry, I’ve been fascinated by the democratization and proliferation of easy-to-use online survey tools. They’ve broken down ivory-tower barriers and provided anyone with a desire to poll the ability to collect and manage survey responses and data in real time, even for free.… Read the rest

Market Research Is Foremost A Customer Touch Point, So Don’t Please Don’t Offend

Josh Bernoff, an analyst at Forrester, has a funny rant about PR blunders and bad e-mail marketing habits. But one of his PR blunders is actually a market research blunder, and one becoming too common as online survey tools commodify, democratize, propagate, and saturate, consequently turning the world’s aggregate of surveys into a more aimless and sometimes offensive proposition.… Read the rest

Live From The International Conference On Weblogs and Social Media

I’m in Boulder, Colorado, at the International Conference On Weblogs and Social Media, for which my company was an organizing sponsor. ICWSM “aims to bring together researchers from different subject areas (e.g., computer science, linguistics, psychology, statistics, sociology, multimedia and semantic web technologies) and foster discussions about ongoing research on Weblogs and social media.”… Read the rest