Engagement Resurrection?

My column last week – “Advertising Engagement: Did It Stick?” – sparked prompt feedback from the ANA and especially the ARF (I just wish the ARF would join the conversation publicly by commenting here or blogging!). To help rejuvenate the discussion (which my column seemed to help somewhat), I promise to deliver more formal updates in the next few weeks, especially from the ARF’s esteemed Joe Plummer, chief architect of the advertising engagement construct.… Read the rest

New Models of Advertising Will Require New Accountability Frameworks

My colleague, Jonathan Carson, CEO of Nielsen BuzzMetrics, did a nice interview with Dow Jones in anticipation of his keynote address at the upcoming Dow Jones Web Ventures Conference in Silicon Valley later this month. He talks about new advertising models and the necessary accountability frameworks to support them.… Read the rest

Research Industry Upheaval is On the Horizon

Jack Meyer’s Media Business Report today had a nice piece on looming upheaval in the research industry (no link, email subscription only, unfortunately). Meyers had some interesting points:

The greatest single challenge for the research community will be methodology, and whether to question and rethink established methodological rigor and requirements.

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The Web’s Imperfect Method of Measuring Audience Attention & Value

In his new role as ad-sales research chief at Yahoo, it looks like former comScore Media Metrix president Peter Daboll is successfully prompting mainstream attention to the page view measurement unit, as evidenced by the AP:

"These technologies have outgrown the metrics," said Peter Daboll, Yahoo’s chief of insights and the former chief executive of comScore Media Metrix, the measurement company that declared Yahoo second to the online hangout MySpace in page views.

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