Is Your Market-Research Survey Really A Negative Ad Campaign?

Let’s face it. If you respond to a survey these days, that makes you an anomaly.

Thanks to excessive commercial survey solicitations — interceptive, disruptive, too long and delivering little in return — consumers frequently avoid them with as much determination as they do advertising.… Read the rest

Page Views Weaken As Metric, But Won’t Die in 2007


Here’s my next MediaPost column, a contribution to the growing debate over the Web page-view metric. My biggest problem with page views is that publishers are addicted to them, while they hamper creating better products for the audience (otherwise known as the customer). … Read the rest

Mediashift: Nielsen BuzzMetrics and Measuring Consumer-Generated Media

Mark Glaser at Mediashift has a nice Q&A with Jonathan Carson, CEO of Nielsen BuzzMetrics, where I work. It’s a good state of the space not only about consumer-generated media measurement, but of larger consumer-driven forces disrupting the media, marketing and intelligence-gathering landscape.… Read the rest