Consumer To Advertiser: I Want A Divorce, Now!

This video from Microsoft Ad Solutions elegantly summarizes — in two minutes — how and why consumers are rejecting the one-way, unbalanced relationship for which mass marketers have built their foundations. In reference to the “Listenomics” book he’s writing, Bob Garfield says:

The video says it all.

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10 Reasons Why The Price Is Right Feels So Good

With the retirement of Bob Parker, host of CBS’ long-running Price Is Right televised game show, Kevin Thompson at the Palm Beach Post shares his top 10 reasons why the Price felt so good. I’ll skip to reason number six, because it references my dad, the genius behind the Price Is Right theme song:


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Deconstructing Facebook

Has anyone noticed a massive surge on Facebook lately? I have and bet that other social networks are now scrambling to respond, especially in light of Facebook’s opening of its API. That has released the floodgates of partner enhancements, add-ons, and functionality to integrate a myriad other data services deep within and beyond the Facebook platform.… Read the rest

There Are Newspapers And Journalists Flourishing In Second Life

My recent MediaPost column on the adult-underground contributions to Second Life prompted some thoughtful feedback, on the record, off the record, as well as via public comments and email. Surprisingly, it also spawned complements and an interview request from a journalist at the AvaStar newspaper in Second Life.… Read the rest