Sanjaya Voted Off American Idol…Please Say It’s Not So!

Just when I got all excited over Freakonomics’ coverage of the analysis we did on American Idol contestant Sanjaya Malakar, my favorite contestant got voted off. Darn! I really wanted him to win. For what he lacked in talent, he more than made up for in charisma and humor.… Read the rest

comScore Behavioral Study Shows Cookies Overcount Web Visitors

When I worked at Media Metrix in the late nineties, and later comScore following its acquisition of Media Metrix, we executed numerous campaigns to educate clients and the broader Internet advertising industry on why panel-measurement and server-side data differed so much.… Read the rest

Television Voting Contains Valuable Lessons For Market Researchers

In my latest MediaPost column, I propose that television voting contains some key lessons for the market research industry, especially the practice of luring respondents. And what better example than American Idol? There is some passionate discussion at the MediaPost blog.… Read the rest