A 30-Second Super Bowl Spot Is Worth $2.6 Million If You Optimize The Ancillary Web Of Consumer Pass-Along

…and that’s what I concluded today on Reuters Television. Click here for the full streaming interview with anchor Fred Katayama.


The irony is that Reuters, itself, is missing opportunities to optimize the ancillary Web of consumer pass-along.… Read the rest

Who Will Win High-Def DVD Format War? Ask The XXX Industry

My family moved into our new home over the weekend, so we’re in the home stretch toward getting some routine back in our lives. Living at Dad’s house in the guest (attic) bedroom over the past seven weeks has been great because our family is close, and there’s been lots of help with our son Julian (who’s now nearly ten weeks old).… Read the rest

Brand Ad Salesmen Must Sell More ROI, Not Impressions


What a week: Laura and I closed on our new home and hired a nanny for our newborn Julian. Next week we’ll move in. Now, here’s my latest column focusing on the need for media ad-sales departments to gravitate to a model of selling ROI, versus impressions.… Read the rest

Page Views Weaken As Metric, But Won’t Die in 2007


Here’s my next MediaPost column, a contribution to the growing debate over the Web page-view metric. My biggest problem with page views is that publishers are addicted to them, while they hamper creating better products for the audience (otherwise known as the customer). … Read the rest

The New Scientist Rocks! An Admirable Model For Niche Journalism

The New Scientist is one of my favorite publications, delivering a daily stream of interesting and clever stories about technology, science and life. I haven’t called out any stories since the week before Julian’s birth. So today, I went through my accumulation of 169 New Scientist story feeds and am pleased to provide you the top headlines I thought were most interesting over the past three weeks:

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