YouTube: The Addictive, Must-Play Game

I’m great at plagiarizing myself. Well, I took framework and analysis from an old column and applied it to the recent exploding YouTube in my latest MediaPost column. Check out the MediaPost reader comment section here.

Hey, Web 2.0 Fans: Social Networks Weren’t Born Yesterday!Read the rest

Yahoo Launches Social-Media Sites Around Brands, While Seeking To Sell Advertising To Brands

MediaPost reported today that Yahoo is piloting social sites for brands with devoted consumer bases:

These "brand universes" on Yahoo will allow fans to find product information and connect with each other within destinations that incorporate Yahoo’s range of social media properties including photo-sharing site Flickr and Yahoo Answers.

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While I Was Out, YouTube Grew Up


While I was out becoming a dad, Bob Garfield’s next great piece in his provocative media-disruption series came out, running both in AdAge and Wired. It’s all about video, television and online disruption. I think the Wired subhead offers the most important and simplistic insight about the state of online video at this juncture:

TV advertising is broken, putting $67 billion up for grabs.

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Joseph Jaffe Interviews Max Kalehoff “On Across The Sound,” New-Marketing Podcast


I’ve been a loyal listener of Across The Sound, Joseph Jaffe’s new-marketing podcast, since day one. It’s a must-listen for any marketer or media professional who cares to be relevant beyond today. Which is why I’m honored to have been the feature guest on the latest episode, number 62!… Read the rest