New Media Stumble Into “Engagement” Bash, Confront Elephant In Room


I polished up an old post about new-media guys and engagement, to become this week’s MediaPost OnlineSpin column. What do you think?


New Media Stumble Into "Engagement" Bash, Confront Elephant In Room

by Max Kalehoff, November 3, 2006

As the social-media and Web 2.0 revolution continues, I’ve been convinced the traditional advertising and media establishment was alone in the debate over engagement.

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Engagement Is Meaningless Without Sales

Scott Karp from Publishing 2.0 observes a number of Web 2.0, new media and blogger insiders getting sucked into the engagement conundrum (including: Robert Scoble, the super blogger famous for bringing face and personality to Microsoft, and now an exec at a podcast media startup; video blogger Ze Frank; and Rocketboom video blogger Michael Barron).… Read the rest

Lack of Talent Could Slow Online-Ad Spending

Will a lack of talent slow online-ad spending? Perhaps, says Yahoo’s sales chief in Monday’s Wall Street Journal (registration required):

The lack of digital talent could slow the growth of online-ad spending, Yahoo’s chief sales officer Wenda Harris Millard warned in a recent interview.

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Publishers Dilemma: Are Our Customers Readers Or Community Members?

Scott (Publishing 2.0) Karp and I just led a workshop at the Magazine Publishers Association on the intersection of consumer-generated media and publishing. I also got PRWeek’s Keith O’Brien to come along as one of our guest participants, since he’s a blogger leading up his trade magazine’s social media efforts, and always has smart observations.… Read the rest