Digg: Another Wave Of Media Disruption


Please join the discussion and comment here on my latest MediaPost OnlineSpin column, which deals with Digg, the community site where people vote on which news and other content make the front page. This is not a trivial community site, but a powerful, viral catalyst of online buzz.… Read the rest

Digg versus NYTimes: Audience Or Conversation?

LeeAnn Prescott of Hitwise (which I used to consult for) has a great post reflecting on the highly misguided “Is Digg.com as big as than the NYTimes.com” meme. Digg is a social news aggregator where members of its community vote on which stories will be featured on the front page; NYTimes is the online version of the New York Times.… Read the rest

Jim Lehrer: Renaissance of The News Gatekeeper


I’ve been catching up on the past few episodes of CNN Reliable Sources with Washington Post’s Howard Kurtz, the analysis show about the media. PBS News Hour host Jim Lehrer made some interesting points about television news in an interview with Kurtz, aired on June 18:

KURTZ: The anchor wars.

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There Is One Magazine That Is Growing

My references to the shrinking magazine industry usually point to things that are wrong with it. This time, I point to one magazine which is growing — literally. Six Self staffers are pregnant at the same time, including my wife. With this baby boom, there must be something in the water!… Read the rest