Someone Has to Pay for TV. But Who? And How?


“Someone Has to Pay for TV. But Who? And How?” is the title of a good column in the Sunday NYTimes by Randall Stross about the changing model of television programming and advertising in the age of digital-video recorders (DVRs) and viewer propensity to skip ads.Read the rest

My Adventures In MySpace…Chapter 7…How Do I Change My Marital Status On MySpace?

(An Ad on MySpace)

Occasionally I check to see which phrases are drawing visitors from search engines into AttentionMax. Given my MySpace chronicles, I guess it’s not surprising that four of the top 50 search phrases this past week were related to MySpace.Read the rest

Waiting For Pain Is Painful…And Television Commercials?

Dread lights up like pain in your brain, the New Scientist reports:

The feeling of dread lights up the parts of the brain linked with pain, making the experience so uncomfortable that people choose to end the wait for an unpleasant experience sooner, even if it means incurring a penalty.

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I’ve Adopted Social Bookmarking Link Posts

As you probably have noticed, I’ve added daily link posts to my blog by using If you know all about, then skip this post. If not, read on…

I use, the social bookmark service owned by Yahoo!, which lets me bookmark and tag (create text descriptors to) any Web page I would like to make available to myself anytime in the future.Read the rest

The Media Business And Its Disruptions

The Media Business And Its Disruptions…That’s the name of the new blog from the very smart Mark Green, SVP of media at ACNielsen, the huge global market research firm (which is affiliated with the company I work for). Mark’s offering some in-depth analysis on the changing media landscape and confronting key issues that most traditional media- and market-modeling types often deny.Read the rest